HomeMy worksOil paintings Over the mountainous peace the painting has found an owner

Over the mountainous peace

Article: 50х110, 2017
470 $
Every morning gives you a new day
Detailed specifications

On returning after the Christmas holidays in the Alps, having conquered the Dolomites on a snowboard, I grabbed the brush heartedly. Holding the speed on a snowboard, stuffed with mountain landscapes and views of snow-covered, overcast, sunny valleys and gorges, I grabbed the longest canvas in the studio and ... expressed with several smears my energy and impressions. And then I finally calmed down. And this is the moment full of complete peace and contentment I painted. No more rushing or running, but standing and listening to your inner harmony.

Первое впечатление было такое: это подмалевок?
Но узнав что это готовая работа - начинаешь всматриваться и влюбляешься в эту работу. Очень похоже на Никольского Анатолия, я даже ей название дал: Никольский.
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