My awards

International competition-festival of children's, youth and adult creativity "I am proud of you
International competition-festival of children's, youth and adult creativity "I am proud of you
International competition-festival of children's, youth and adult creativity "I am proud of you
International competition-festival of children's, youth and adult creativity "I am proud of you
III International Creative Contest "New Year's Tale"
III International Creative Contest "New Year's Tale"
III International Creative Contest "New Year's Tale"
III International Creative Contest "New Year's Tale"
International creative competition "Stylization. Still Life"
International creative competition "Stylization. Still Life"
II International Creative Competition "Flowers in painting"
II International Creative Competition "Flowers in painting"
II International Creative Competition "Flowers in painting"
II International Creative Competition "Flowers in painting"
II International Creative Competition "Flowers in painting"
II International Creative Competition "Flowers in painting"
Open Asia
Open Asia
Museum of Modern Art ART MUSE
Museum of Modern Art ART MUSE

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