HomeNews The most important event of this year is an art trip to Italy !!!

The most important event of this year is an art trip to Italy !!!

In September of this year, we managed to organize a unique art trip to Italy. It was unique because 8 people, having loaded canvases and sketchbooks, went to Fr. Elba is not on the bus, not on the car, not on foot or even in the wagon, but on a snow-white yacht! It was an indescribable cocktail of emotions and impressions. The first day when we laid out our belongings in the cabins and went to dinner, it seemed to us that we were in the cinema and everything that was happening was not happening to us. During the trip, we learned to set sail, moor, maneuver, knit, cook food under a roll and drink champagne mixed with sea spray. We caught every second of life and enjoyed it, forgetting about everything! In the morning, before sunrise, happy and spiritualized, we rushed to write gorgeous sunrises in marinas. Then they drank Italian coffee with stunning Italian croissants, had breakfast and rushed to write narrow streets, castle walls, terracotta roofs, cafes and moorings of the cozy coastal towns of Elba. The day forced us into the sea, diving with a screech into the clear turquoise water, then in the mountains, singing songs in the fog, then walking in the Italian province, collecting figs, grapes, limes, almonds ... We landed on a desert island, in search of traces of the past, we ran away from the hurricane, we drew, drew and drew ... in Italian vineyards, some with wine, some with oil, some with watercolor ... We drank Italian wine and ... painted ... Because it was an art the journey is the most unforgettable and full of happiness and joy!

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