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My exposition "Colors of Cities" at the Domina Hotel
My exposition "Colors of Cities" at the Domina Hotel

Now visitors to the Domina hotel have the opportunity to entertain themselves even on a gloomy, rainy day.
My exposition "Colors of Cities" brightens not only the Italian interior of the hotel, but also the stay of guests.
On the first and second floors, paintings and sketches on the theme of Italian and Siberian architecture and nature are exhibited. Wooden houses from the Russian hinterland are adjacent to the image of Ponte Vecchio - one of the attractions of Florence. The world famous Novosibirsk Opera House stands on an easel next to the Roman Cathedrals.
For a long time I wanted to combine in one exhibition canvases painted in Italy and Siberia, to show the beauty of cities, streets, nature of my beloved countries.
Now that the dream has come true, I am happy, and I invite you to visit the exhibition, spend time with a cup of good Italian coffee at the Domina Hotel and enjoy my work.








1st place in the all-Russian art project "Art-start. Stage: Herbarium of memory"
1st place in the all-Russian art project "Art-start. Stage: Herbarium of memory"

The work "When the whole city was asleep" took part and took 1st place in the all-Russian art project "Art-start. Stage: herbarium of memory".
Here is how the jury of the competition responded about this work: "The author's style of the Siberian artist impressed the organizers of the project. Marina's works reflected the harmony of the visual and imaginary context. Composition, color, elusive mood of the most beautiful memory with a touch of adventure - all this can be found in the competition work. - "While the whole city slept."


Plein air is my passion!
Plein air is my passion!

Plein air with people who are also interested in painting - this is my pleasure! Three times already, I was lucky enough to become an organizer of an open air for my friends-artists in Siberia (an exit open air to Italy on a yacht is a different story).
The preparation of an open-air takes time and an understanding of what they will write. Often people say: this is beautiful! It needs to be drawn, right? Answer: Yes! Beautiful, but no need to draw. What is often attractive in the scope of the human eye, can absolutely NOT fit on canvas! Composition is the most difficult and responsible thing that the artist thinks about when exhibiting a still life, carrying heavy sketchbooks and seating models. "What are you drawing in this garbage dump? There, the building was restored, beauty! Go there to paint!", "Knowing" onlookers advise. And we put our "art shells" around the outback and admire how they "... are assembled from all angles!"
Therefore, when organizing an open-air, you need to run around well: locations where I can accommodate 5-7 artists at once with sketchbooks, think over the image of models, how to get there, how to feed, how to drink and, most importantly, how to arrange the weather!
I am glad that there was not a single failure, not a single failure in my plein air organization! And I rub my hands in anticipation of the next meeting!



Sunday duet
Sunday duet

Quite by chance, the idea was born to paint live on Instagram together with Elena Khoroshkina! The most funny and unusual thing in our duet is that Lena paints in watercolor, and I in oil. In this case, the reference is the same! Those who observe, those who write with us in parallel, can try both of these, and as a result, understand for themselves what suits them better than they do better. Those. it's like different styles of dancing, but to the same music) Agree, it's worth a try)


Master class for lovers of Orchids
Master class for lovers of Orchids

In early March, we had the opportunity to meet and draw. There were several weeks before quarantine, and this meeting was especially remembered. Huge orchid flowers on thin, flexible stems always attract attention. And then there is wine, goodies, canvases, brushes, oil ... For me, learning is an understandable process: I study a lot and attend master classes, a teacher by training, and andragogy (the process of teaching adults) is also familiar to me thanks to the end of the courses "Business trainer". So the knowledge, experience and desire for others to succeed made this workshop very productive. We were more than 12 people, many met with oil for the first time. The one with the painting, to be honest, too. Therefore, we were impressed by orchids, wine and a great desire to throw more emotions on the canvas and, bypassing realism with a barrel, we painted these flowers brightly, juicyly, from the heart and sensations! A master class lasted about three, or maybe four hours, and all the participants had their very, very own orchids on the canvas!


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